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As the wheel of the year makes its final turn, now is the time to go inward and celebrate these sacred transitions that offer us the opportunity for deep reflection and wisdom.

It is also the time to remember that no matter what is happening within us and around us, we are always being supported by the Earth’s natural wisdom to reach a state of balance or equilibrium. It is this state of balance that inspired OKRA’s latest offering, which I’m excited to finally share with you: the GAIA Equilibrium Collection.

The seed that gave life to this collection was first planted when my dear friend Maria Souza taught me about a ritual dance performed by the Ipavu Tribe in the Amazon to honor the elements of the Earth, Gaia, our collective mother.

The Ipavu perform this dance as a daily devotional that brings equilibrium to the land and to themselves. I was deeply inspired to capture this call to balance in a series of four pendants and rings, one for each element.

Each piece is initially drawn and carved by hand and then replicated using an ancient method known as lost wax casting. I invite you to experience this collection and incorporate the pieces into your own daily rituals that bring you into balance.

They are made to be worn as amulets of awareness and a constant reminder of the inner compass that brings your body, mind, and life into a state of divine equilibrium. Maria has also provided a description of each of the four elements and how they can be harnessed as in your own life.


A Collection that honored mother earth, Gaia and brings the wisdom of nature into our lives.

In Greek mythology Gaia is the Mother Earth, the goddess of creation, creativity, fertility and the embodiment of our planet. Some say, Gaia is so ancient that she is the soul of the earth.


Nature based communities connect with mother earth in different ways. In the Ipavu tribe, women come together to enact a ritual in honor of Mother Earth. They stand in the center of a mandala, with water in the East, fire in the South, air in the West and earth in the North, and they dance with each element to harvest equilibrium for their land and their bodies.


Inspired by the Ipavu tribe and their ways of being, we offer you the Gaia Collection. A series of pendants that share the qualities of Gaia's elements and its directions.



Connected to the direction of the North, EARTH is the element of generosity and fertility. To be like earth is to be grounded, committed to a place and a community. It's the element of patience and wise determination. It has the knowledge of all seasons and cycles and it invites us to come home to the earth itself, to Gaia. We draw earth into our lives when we give freely, act authentically and when we defend our truth.


Associated to the South, fire is the element of life and death. It is the life-death-life nature in its most basic form. To be like fire is to be creative, transformative and courageous. It’s the element of fearlessness and physical and emotional strength. We bring fire into our lives when we act with self-confidence, when we create soulfully and when we state our boundaries.


Related to the West, air is the element of mystery and the unconscious, the unseen. To be like air means to understand that life is mysterious and we must flow with its winds. It’s the element of wisdom and it invites us to be gentle like the breeze. We bring air into our lives when we heal our scars, when we honor and integrate our traumas and when we respect the unknown future.


Connected to the East, water is the element of new beginnings, dreams and possibilities. To be like water is to navigate different environments and emotions with flow and flexibility. It’s the element of adaptation and purity. We elicit water into our lives when we migrate effortlessly between different situations, when we welcome change and when we feel refreshed by it.


Pregnancy and motherhood are sacred transitions in life — something I’m in the midst of myself, as I gave birth to my first child this past year. Becoming a mother was a significant shift in my life, both in terms of my changing body and a growing awareness of how I was taking part in the grand cycle of life.

At the same time, I had an innate awareness that this experience of “pregnancy” went beyond the physical. Giving birth to something, whether it’s a child, an idea, or a new incarnation of oneself is a deeply meaningful state, and one that’s full of creativity, intensity, and transformation. It was this energy of change and possibility that inspired me to create the Goddess of Creation Necklace.

As a centerpiece of the Gaia collection, the necklace features a trio of pendants (Gaia, the spiral, and the snake) that capture different aspects of the divine experience of birthing something new.

How to Choose your Element?

Choosing your pendant and ring can be an opportunity to deepen your intuition and relationship with Gaia. You can choose your piece by reflecting on which element you would like to bring to your life, enhancing something that might have been forgotten. Or you can choose the element you already feel most connected to and honor it. You can also reflect on each pendant and trust that the right element and symbol will speak to you. We invite you to open yourself and let the soul of Gaia come to you.


A Heartfelt Thanks to the Creative Collaborators on GAIA

This collection was brought to life through the support,  creativity, and passion of several individuals.

  • Maria Souza for writing the meaning of each element. A friend and teacher of the soul for always inspiring me and for planting the seed that grew into the GAIA collection.

  • Mandy Cai, videographer and photographer extraordinaire, for capturing the energy of Gaia in all it’s glory

  • Celine, my friend and collaborator, for providing support in all its forms — practical, technical, and emotional.

  • Jama, goddess-mother and model, for bringing out the beauty and spiritual quality of the GAIA collection.

  • Nemuun, model (and Jama’s son), for sharing his brilliant, playful energy and reminding all of us to let our inner children out to play.